Friday, September 9, 2011

Debut Author's Challenge #4

I'm sadly behind in my debut challenge due to a war between my computer, my Mp3 player, and me. The computer won, the Mp3 player died, and I bought a new one for a fifth of the price of the old one...gotta love technology.

Now I've got several good debut books waiting to be listened to. Mostly thanks to Audible, but this one, WITHER, came from my library.

As described in my monthly How Many Have You Read/Heard Contest: Men only live to twenty-five and women only til twenty in this Dystopian where the heroine tries to escape her gilded cage as a polygamist's wife.

This one surprised me for being more character driven than plot driven. Primarily, it's a quest for freedom, but I was impressed with how it explores what happens when strangers are thrown together to make a family. 

What about you? Have you read this? Are you doing Debut Author's Challenge? If so, how many have you read so far?          


  1. I've heard that title buzzed about, but I didn't actually know what the book was about until now. Sounds so interesting!

  2. dystopian-wise, it wasn't one of my faves. although, it was definitely interesting enough that I've got FEVER (book 2) on my TBR list for when it comes out.

  3. Sounds interesting. So much YA out there to read. I have to control myself. My shelves are sagging. Maybe I'll get it on my Nook.

  4. I have read Wither. I enjoyed it. The world was creative. The story flowed but nothing really stuck out like I had to tell people to read it. It's a good read. Worth the time.

    i'm not doing the challenge but easily could I love reading new releases.

  5. OOH! I totally want to read this. I've heard the buzz, but never bothered to check out what it was about. Those few lines have me hooked.

  6. This one wasn't what I expected, either, but I loved it! The writing was just beautiful.

  7. Sounds interesting. I'll keep it in mind for my next read.
