Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Road Trip Return

I'm back after a month off...rejuvenated from visiting family in Indiana:) but still not completely done revising my book:( 

There are still a few weeks left of school-free summer for us...unlike my nieces and nephews in Indiana who are back, back soon, or have switched to year-round school:(

Hope everyone is still enjoying the summer too, and I look forward to catching up.

This Week's Topic is: In honor of the end of the Olympics, share your favorite sports book!
I'm not a huge sports fan...content to catch half a volleyball game and hear the highlights of the Olympics on the news.
But even I can appreciate a good underdog with a hodge-podge group of teammates who learn to work as a team and understand each other better in the end.

That's why my pick is: Whale Talk, by Cris Crutcher

What about you? Read this one? Enjoy the Olympics? What are your favorite sports books or movies?


  1. I LOVED the Olympics! I have DEADLINE sitting on my bedside table, but I love a good sports book. Maybe I should read this one from him first?!

    Glad to have you back!

  2. Alison- I loved Deadline too...this one just has stonger sports team-related themes in it.

    Although, Whale Talk is probably a little dated for contemp now since it was published in pre-cell phone days...but if that doesn't bother you, you should read it.

  3. I have to confess I never heard of these books (Deadline included) before. But, since Alison seems excited about them too, I'll check them out.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I haven't read this book but I'll have to check it out.

  5. I haven't heard of this one before, or Deadline. I'm hearing about all kinds of new books today! :)

  6. I love movies about sports (Stick It is a hilarious movie about gymnastics!), and actual sports, so it makes no sense to me how I've never really read any sport-related books. Thanks for the recommendation.

  7. I have not read this one but Deadline is at out library. My fav sport book takes me back a few years to Dairy Queen. Possibly because I don't read a lot of sports related books. I'm not even sure why.

  8. Welcome back from your vacation :) Don't read a lot of sports related books but the books mentioned above sound great.
