This Week's YA Highway Road Trip Topic:
I had a strange listening month with a lot of adult fiction and nonfiction. I read some good YA (tell you more next week), but the book that stood out the most was:
Don't let the main title fool you, it's not a spiritual book...more sociology/social psychology.
When I learned many years ago that the difference between what a CEO in America makes compared to a regular worker is far greater than any other country and greater now than any time in our history, I felt a vague unease about where that could lead us in the future...I had no idea where it was already leading us.
The benefits of more equality in wealth (note that I didn't say complete equality) are vast and far reaching for everyone involved. Overall mental health, drug use, crime, teen pregnancy and other big issues all improve in more equal societies.
Not sure you believe it? Check out the stats on their website and/or read the book. I found it very eye opening.
What about you? Read this one or anything like it? What was your favorite June Read?