This week's YA Highway Road trip topic:
What movie have you seen that actually (gasp) IMPROVED on the book?
The only one that comes to mind is:
Also, the backstory, the world-building, the characters, the writing...All there, All strong.
But the pace just killed me. So slow. To the point where I haven't yet listened to the rest of the series:(
The movie, on the other hand, had almost all of the good stuff (except the writing, of course) with a much faster pace. And I even liked the ending better.
It is MG instead of YA, which might of been part of the problem...personal taste and please don't kill me, Inkheart book fans.
For my How Many Have You Read/Heard contest, everyone who commented will get an ARC, but Meghan won first choice.
Also, I haven't been in the blogosphere much lately because I'm thick into revisions...I have vacation coming up and have to, have to get them done before then, so I've decided to take a month off. I'll be back the week of August 13th with another How Many Have You Read/Heard contest...I've got a huge pile of October release ARCs to give away, so please come back then.
What about you? An opinion on Inkheart? Any movie you liked better than the book? Revising/blogging pressures? Vacation coming up?